Saturday, January 12, 2019

Free Tattoo Removal For Ex Gang Members In Chicago

Many at the tattoo-removal event said their ink showing gang affiliation hinders their ability to transition to a different life. claudia banks, spokeswoman for safer foundation, a nonprofit that. The city's clean slate tattoo removal program, sponsored by the department of parks, recreation and neighborhood services, offers free tattoo removal to ex-gang members between the ages of 14 and 25.. Dr .ritacca performs tattoo removal for former gang members at a fraction of the cost. "by removing offensive artwork and gang symbols, it truly allows past gang members to embark on a new journey without the judgment," says dr. ritacca..

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Chicago-based tattoo artist, adrian torres, is helping former gang members reenter society. adrian torres is a tattoo artist who helps former gang members assimilate back into "normal" society by performing tattoo removal on their stigmatized body markings.. Prison or gang tattoos can be difficult to hide and expensive to remove. however, one program in southwest detroit is offering free tattoo removal for former gang members or felons. it’s called. Volunteer doctors outline the shapes of gang tattoos on the skin of former gang members with a green laser, working to erase the tattoos and help the ex-gang members transition out of the gangs.


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