Feel free to call or email with questions, concerns, or schedule a consultation. in this consultation, i will look at skin type, location of the tattoo, color of the ink, and amount of the ink… an estimate of pricing will be submitted at that time.. Seattle open door church tattoo removal ministry it is our goal to help individuals who are getting out of gangs to have their gang related tattoos removed.. The fresh start tattoo removal program, inc. (an official 501(c)3 organization) is a nationwide community program that removes visible gang and prison tattoos off of former gang members for free to help these people get jobs and improve the quality of their lives. with employment, there is a much lower return to prison rate..
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Tattoo removal programs— directory of u.s. clinics and services. removing visible tattoos, especially those that are antisocial or related to gangs, will improve your chances of finding employment.. Seattle, wa tattoo removal services are dedicated to removing ink and washing away regret. we have all made mistakes, and some of us have commemorated those mistakes with permanent ink. lucky for you, there is such a thing as a tattoo eraser.. High prevalence of gangs and growing ethnically-based gang violence in alameda county, especially in oakland and hayward, has kept the need for tattoo removal constant,” according to a 2011 alameda county health department report on the new start program..
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